
Medical and Science

MAPA President unpacks the shifting narrative in Medical Affairs and the pressing challenge of corporate reputation

Health Industry Hub | October 21, 2024 |

In this Health Industry Hub interview, Lauren Pasfield, President of Medical Affairs Professionals of Australasia (MAPA), deep dived into the shifting narrative in medical affairs, the pressing issue of corporate reputation, and a glimpse into the upcoming MAPA Summit.

One of the most intriguing shifts in the medical affairs function, Pasfield explained, is the delicate balance between commercial imperatives and medical goals – a narrative that was once viewed with scepticism but is now being more openly embraced.

Pasfield attributes this change in mindset to the increasing complexity of the pharma sector including a “necessity out of the success of medical affairs, but also for the business”.

“We’re not OK sitting with the status quo anymore,” she added. “There is this evolving landscape of ‘how do we measure the success of medical affairs teams?

During the vodcast, Pasfield delved into the pressing issue of corporate reputation, commenting on a report that highlighted while 90% of leaders are deeply concerned about reputational risks, fewer than 40% feel equipped to manage these challenges.

Pasfield discussed how medical affairs can play a crucial role in bridging this preparedness gap through “transparency and trust”, focusing on the most relevant areas for reputation management including scientific integrity.

Looking ahead, Pasfield shared her excitement for the upcoming MAPA Summit on 30-31 October, discussing the theme and why it is particularly timely for the industry. She offered a glimpse into the topics that attendees can expect to explore, emphasising the relevance and importance of each in the current medical affairs environment.

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